Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Repair Tape Clear 76mm x 508mm
Tenacious Tape by Gear Aid is an all-purpose, weatherproof repair tape that fixes rips, holes and gashes in almost all of your outdoor gear. It stays put no matter what Mother Nature dishes out and leaves no sticky mess. Wait 24 hours after application and you can machine wash or put it in the dryer without worrying that the repair tape will peel off.
Toss Tenacious Tape in your outdoor gear kit for a little extra peace of mind. Repairs camping gear, sleeping bags and pads, tents, clothing, vinyl rafts, down jackets—whatever needs a quick patch, so you can stay outside.
If you’re serious about your gear, step up to Tenacious Tape—and you’ll never go back to that gooey, sticky, silver stuff.
Clear tape utilizes PVC
Rolls available in clear
Ultra-strong repair tape with aggressive adhesive
Tape can be moved or repositioned within 24 hours without leaving behind a sticky residue
Makes quick, in-field repairs to rips, tears and holes in outdoor gear
Sticks to almost any surface without leaving a sticky residue
Provides nearly invisible repairs
Instantly seals leaking seams and stops rips from spreading
Acts as an abrasion-resistant shield on high-wear areas
Long lasting
Lightweight and compact
Can be used on silnylon for a temporary emergency field repair
Machine washable
SKU | 10208710117508MM |
Model # | 10208710117508MM |
Barcode # | 021563106916 |
Brand | Gear Aid |
Shipping Weight | 0.1000kg |
Shipping Width | 0.090m |
Shipping Height | 0.010m |
Shipping Length | 0.090m |
Shipping Cubic | 0.000081000m3 |
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