Road Chef Digital 12 Volt Oven

The latest addition to the RoadChef stables, the Road Chef 2.0– Digital 12 Volt Oven® takescooking on the road to a newinnovative level. The 2.0 is thesmarter way to cook, combiningthe traditional look and feelof the Road Chef but taking itto a new level. The new digitalinterface allows the user toadjust both the cook time andtemperature simply throughsoft push buttons allowinga higher level of accuracyfor both functions. As thecook timer counts down it isdisplayed allowing the cook toeasily adjust it and know howlong before their delicious mealis ready!

The 12 Volt systems thatpeople are using in the 4WDs,trucks, campers and trucks aredeveloping at a rapid rate with12 Volt management systemsallowing the users to monitorbattery levels, power use andturn different appliances onand off through touch screensand apps. The Road Chef2.0 – Digital 12 Volt Oven®is meeting the needs of thistechnology through allowing itto be turned on and off throughexternal management systems

The Digital 12 Volt Oven® hasthree operating modes. Cookingmode is when the oven is on,and the timer is counting down.Once the times is up the ovenautomatically enters Standbymode. When it is activatedthrough a short press of thepower button the intelligenceof oven remembers the lastoven setting and re-sets theoven to that combination.The last mode is where theDigital 12 Volt Oven® comesinto its own. The oven canbe turned off by either longpressing the power buttonon the oven or disconnectingthe power source. When theoven receives power, it entersan initial 10 second Power Upmode, and then automaticallyenters a pre-set preheat modeof 180 ̊C for 20 minutes. Thisawesome feature enablesmanagement system users tonot only turn their oven off butmost importantly turn it on

Imagine you’re driving downthe highway and you knowits about an hour and half toyour lunch time destination.Rather than having to stopyour co driver simply grabstheir phone, clicks through theapp and presto your oven ispreheating, 20 minutes lateryou pull over, put your favouritemeal into a warmed up oven,set the temperature and timeand you’re on the road to yourdestination. You always preheatyour oven at home, so why noton the road!Through continueddevelopment and innovation,the Digital 12 Volt Oven®can achieve higher cookingtemperatures than its olderbrother with it being able toreach to 195°C. 

Covered by Maunfactrurers Warranty  - Item will require being returned to maunacturer for inspection/repair.

Covered by Maunfactrurers Warranty  - Item will require being returned to maunacturer for inspection/repair.

Model # FCM-PTTF20-B
Barcode # 769807614468
Brand Road Chef
Shipping Weight 4.8000kg
Shipping Width 0.263m
Shipping Height 0.360m
Shipping Length 0.372m
Shipping Cubic 0.035220960m3

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